The Recipe to BURN your Shortcomings:
Chevra – I just learned a way to make our Chumatz burning more meaningful than ever! It begins by understanding what is Chumatz. After all, you use the same ingredients to make a nice fluffy loaf of bread as you use to make Matza (flour and water).
The only difference is AIR…it’s the air that INFLATES the mixture, just like our AIR-OGANCE inflates our EGO!
So what can you do about it? As taught by Rebbitzen Yamima Mizrachi – Before you hide your 10 Pieces of Chumatz, TAKE TEN SMALL PIECES OF PAPER and WRITE ON EACH ONE A CHARACTER DEFECT OR SITUATION IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO “BURN” … to have removed from your life (do not write anyone’s specific name). For example, I wrote, “Please BURN my Arrogance” and “Please burn my Need to be in Control”
Then put this piece of paper with your request in the same bag that you put the chumetz before you have someone hide it in your house. And after you or someone in your family finds the 10 pieces, collect them and
I promise you that you will find this exercise a valuable and meaningful way to help you REMOVE THE OBSTACLES FROM YOUR RECOVERY.
And by doing so, you are on your way…2b Free, 2b Whole and 2b Connected!!
Chag Kosher Pesach Samaach!!
Duvid Chaim & Miriam
Duvid Chaim,
Kol ha kavod!
Great concept: Air O Gance.
Spot on.