With more than 10 years experience in the CODA Program. Plus advanced training and education through the International Coaching Academy and with Yedid Nefesh Israel (In Partnership with University of Texas) with a focus on helping couples and individuals getting back to basics in their relationships and living life rather than just surviving life.
Clinical Experience with Orthodox Community
I lead the GYE Fellowship Call for “Spouses of Addicts” twice a week.
Certifications & Degrees
- International Coaching Academy – Life Coach
- 12 Steps Program Expertise
- Yedid Nefesh ( University Of Texas ) – Coaching through Chasidut – Metapelet
Association with organizations
- International Coaching Academy
- Tatzumot – Rachel Bolton
- The Meadows
Intervention Model
Shifting the perspective in helping her see that underneath it all, there is a man who does not know how to soothe himself in a healthy way rather than finding his relief thru the internet or thru other sexual endeavors.
Going step by step from self care to trust in the Higher Power I empower my clients to find within her the inner strength to be there for herself and be there for her husband while he is going through the 12 Steps himself.
Client types
- Spouses of Addicts
- Addicts
Medium/s of Interaction with Clients
- Face to Face
- Phone
- Webcam