September 14, 2016

About Miriam




I can only say this now – looking back – I can realize that 1995 was the year of a breakthrough for me!
On the one hand, I knew that my marriage had suffered a terrible fall. And on the other hand, it was an opportunity to take responsibility and see what was my part in this situation.
At first, I wanted to seek revenge blame shame and be the victim.  Until I realized that this was not going to build anything; that’s when I slowly started to take part in the healing through therapy and The 12 Step Program of Recovery known as S-Anon.
B”H, eventually my husband, Duvid Chaim and I began to enjoy the promises of Recovery; first individually and then as a couple.  By then, Duvid Chaim had started the GYE phone conference calls and he asked me to support the wives of addicts – just like me who did not have any one to turn too.  Professionally, I was then coaching CEOs of large companies and entrepreneurs who wanted to reach higher goals in their business.  However slowly, I got more calls from woman who wanted to remain anonymous and yet get the coaching they needed without coming to my office.
Since then, I have developed many tools and models of healing for the spouse that I use today with much success.
My role models are Joe and Charley , Louise Hay, Rebbitzen Nechama Gross, Wayne Dyer and more.
Training in Addiction and Life Coaching:

With more than 10 years experience in the CODA Program. Plus advanced training and education through the International Coaching Academy and with Yedid Nefesh Israel (In Partnership with University of Texas) with a focus on helping couples and individuals getting back to basics in their relationships and living life rather than just surviving life.

Clinical Experience with Orthodox Community

Certifications & Degrees

  • International Coaching Academy – Life Coach
  • 12 Steps Program Expertise
  • Yedid Nefesh ( University Of Texas ) – Coaching through Chasidut – Metapelet

Association with organizations

  • International Coaching Academy
  • Tatzumot – Rachel Bolton
  • The Meadows

Intervention Model

Many times when I meet the wife of an addict, they tend to think that the problem is with them rather than finding out that like many addictions, lust is the addict’s drug of choice…and has less to do with them.

Shifting the perspective in helping her see that underneath it all, there is a man who does not know how to soothe himself in a healthy way rather than finding his relief thru the internet or thru other sexual endeavors.

Going step by step from self care to trust in the Higher Power I empower my clients to find within her the inner strength to be there for herself and be there for her husband while he is going through the 12 Steps himself.

Client types

  • Spouses of Addicts
  • Addicts

Medium/s of Interaction with Clients

  • Face to Face
  • Phone
  • Webcam