The “4-for-4 Workshop” is an Exclusive Group Coaching Workshop limited to only Four Men per Group for Four Working Sessions.
I am offering the following 4-for-4 Workshops for three levels of participants:
* The Newcomers Track – For men who have little or no experience working the 12 Step Program. You will be fast-tracked thru the most essential and effective tools of the 12 Step Program. You will graduate with a working knowledge of the Program to deal not only with your addictions; but also the unmanageability of your life!
* The High Leverage Track – For men who have been thru and worked all of the 12 Step Program. You will learn the latest science and art of motivational tools to leverage and insure your Success with Recovery and Satisfaction in all areas of your life.
* The Masters Track – This is the Ultimate in Motivation and Inspiration. We will go beyond the Program and address how to succeed in Career, Family, Health, Spirituality and more. Once equipped with these elite level tools, you will truly understand Freedom and Serenity.
The Cost for each participant is specially priced at $75 per Workshop Session – to be paid in full prior to beginning.
As a BONUS, to help participants actualize what they learn in the Workshops – EACH participant is getting a PRIVATE SESSION for an undisturbed 15 minutes after EACH class.
To join, please email me directly at [email protected]
Miriam is inviting you to GAIN A NEW PERSPECTIVE into Recovery and your role as a spouse of an addict.
Please email Miriam directly at [email protected]